Hooded Plovers

(Thinornis rubricollis) “The hooded dotterel or hooded plover is a species of bird in the family Charadriidae. It is endemic to southern Australia and Tasmania where it inhabits ocean beaches and subcoastal lagoons. There are two recognised subspecies which form isolated eastern and western populations.” – Wikipedia Photographed on Darby…

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Little pied Cormorant

(Microcarbo melanoleucos) “The little pied cormorant, little shag or kawaupaka is a common Australasian waterbird, found around the coasts, islands, estuaries, and inland waters of Australia, New Guinea, New Zealand, and Indonesia, and around the islands of the south-western Pacific and the subantarctic.” – Wikipedia Back to Birds of South…

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Greater crested Tern

(Thalasseus bergii) “The greater crested tern, also called crested tern or swift tern, is a tern in the family Laridae that nests in dense colonies on coastlines and islands in the tropical and subtropical Old World.” – Wikipedia Back to Birds of South Gippsland

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