Southern Boobook Owl

(Ninox boobook)

On my way to Koonwarra I found this Owl asleep as ‘nifty blob’ on the side of the Rail trail. In all my first photos, the owl had its eyes closed until it took a short flight landing on the gravel track…  So, I then had to make it take flight again to get it off the track which it did landing in a tree branch nearby. An hour later the ‘cutie’ was still there fast asleep!

“The Australian boobook, which is known in some regions as the mopoke, is a species of owl native to mainland Australia, southern New Guinea, the island of Timor, and the Sunda Islands. Described by John Latham in 1801, it was generally considered to be the same species as the morepork of New Zealand until 1999.“ – Wikipedia

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