European Greenfinch

)Chloris chloris) “The European greenfinch or simply the greenfinch is a small passerine bird in the finch family Fringillidae. This bird is widespread throughout Europe, North Africa and Southwest Asia. It is mainly resident, but some northernmost populations migrate further south.” – Wikipedia Back to Birds of South Gippsland

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King Parrot

(Alisterus) “Alisterus is a genus of medium-sized Australasian parrots, comprising the Australian king parrot, the Papuan king parrot and the Moluccan king parrot. The three species are respectively found in eastern Australia, Papua, the Moluccas and other Indonesian islands.” – Wikipedia Back to Birds of South Gippsland

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Rufous Fantail

(Rhipidura rufifrons) “The rufous fantail is a small Passerine bird, most commonly known also as the black-breasted rufous-fantail or rufous-fronted fantail, which can be found in Australia, Indonesia, Micronesia, New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. In these countries they inhabit rainforests, wet forests, swamp woodlands and mangroves.” – Wikipedia Back…

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