Grey fantails in Koonwarra reserve

Grey fantail (Rhipidura albiscapa) I went for a ride to the Koonwarra reserve on the 12th March and although there was little activity, this Grey fantail caught my attention. It’s a week later and I’ve taken some more photos of this fascinating species. They are the gymnasts of the sky,…

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Southern Boobook Owl

(Ninox boobook) On my way to Koonwarra I found this Owl asleep as ‘nifty blob’ on the side of the Rail trail. In all my first photos, the owl had its eyes closed until it took a short flight landing on the gravel track…  So, I then had to make…

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Satin Flycatcher

(Myiagra cyanoleuca) “The satin flycatcher is a species of bird in the family Monarchidae. Males stand out with their blue-black feathers contrasting their white bellies, and the females with their bright orange throats. It breeds mostly in south-eastern Tasmania and Australia.” – Wikipedia I haven’t been able to get a…

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