Young male Superb Fairy-Wrens’

Young male Superb Fairy-Wren’s will moult from their breeding plumage at the end of the breeding season in around March/April. They go a grey/brown colour similar to the females, but keep the blue tail and black beak. Then at the start of the breeding season in July/August, they will moult…

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Eastern Yellow Robin

(Eopsaltria australis) “The Eastern Yellow Robin is a medium sized robin. It has a grey back and head, and yellow underparts. Southern birds have an olive-yellow rump, while in northern birds it is brighter yellow. The throat is off-white and, in flight, there is a pale off-white wing bar. The…

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Superb Fairy-wren

(Malurus cyaneus) “A small bird with a long tail that is held cocked. Its tail is usually blue (except in juveniles, which have brown tails). Breeding males have a pale blue crown, cheek, and back with a strong black line from the bill through the eyes and around the back…

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